2214 IS BACK!

After nearly 12 years after the web comic abruptly ended, 2214 has officially returned.

Back in February 2012, I had lost all motivation to continue the web comic. In the past couple of years, I completely re-thought my motivations for creating artwork and music. While the desire to gain and satisfy an audience gradually creeped in over the years and overtook my personal reasons for creating, I found a mental path to reclaim the desire to create comics, art, and music.

The answer was within my personal programming projects, where I made tools just for personal use and experimentation without ever releasing most of them to the public. At some point, I thought about what was different between programming and creative projects. It wasn't all at once but rather a gradual realization... I'm the most strongly motivated to create things that aren't necessarily for the world to see. Understanding this reignited the fire that I once had for making webcomics and this led to both the 2214 Visual Novel and today's return of the original 2214 webcomic, which will now continue to a more appropriate ending to the story.

There is no set schedule for updates, as my freelance work would hinder a consistent schedule, but at least a new beginning is underway.

2214 Extras: Page 6
February '25 Updates
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