Site News Update

Howdy. Here's a quick update on the site.

You may have noticed that Obfuscated Trace Echo's latest page has been "in progress" for an extended period of time. I got a bit distracted (no kidding; again?!) with work and other non-nitrocosm projects this year.

One of the major projects for this site is the re-build of the forums system. Although the forums were taken down a couple of years ago due to inactivity, I am rebuilding the system from scratch as a technical demo. Once it's live, anyone is invited to join them but without any specialized purpose (this may change), it's just a demo.

Things have slowed down recently and although I will be somewhat busy with server administration tasks for the rest of the year, I can get back to drawing and making music very soon. Hold my feet to the fire, though!

2214 VN Scene 16 - Ready!
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