What Just Happened? - Click for a larger view.
Saja, Malachi, and Virulyde are unsure of what has happened. While they wonder what happened to Ravenna, Bus, and Azurat, a new door suddenly appears.
2214 Extras: Page 6
February '25 Updates
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Saturday, January 25, 2025 10:00 pm
Lately, I've been setting up tons of home and server automation. I'll likely go into more detail later on.

I recently re-drew the latest page of 2214 because I wasn't satisfied with the art quality (it was rushed a bit). After 12 years since I had "ended" the web comic, picking it up again has required re-reading all of it and understanding where I was trying to go with the story. There was a newer spin-off in 2016, in which the characters had returned to Earth and picked up their lives where they left off, but I've since decided that this will probably be non-canonical to the main story, although there may be a tangential connection to those events in the main story.

Adobe Photoshop was used for most of the original production but I've since switched to using Krita, which I've found much more effective for web comics and drawing in general (although the text tool isn't as good as Photoshop's... yet). I've tried to get away from using Adobe products as much as possible because they decided to disallow re-installation of previously purchased software (anything prior to the subscription model) under the pretense of "the activation servers were old and unmaintainable" and "we don't support old software". The reality is, of course, that Adobe wants to force all of their previous customers into their subscription model.

Over the course of 2214's run so far, I've redesigned the layout template and header several times. With Krita being the cornerstone of my new workflow, a brand new template and layout has been introduced. The way Krita handles vector layers and masks is more conducive to how I design the pages compared to Photoshop.

While reviewing the previous pages of 2214, I've noticed many continuity problems and inconsistencies in the art style, which are very frustrating. My old workflow involved making each panel as a separate Photoshop file, which affected how easy it was to keep the art consistent even between panels within the same page. Now, I sketch, ink, and color all in the main layout file. Of course, it would be far too time-consuming to redraw every page, but it's a high priority to improve the style and consistency going forward as the story continues.

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